Saturday, June 11, 2011


i'm not going to start this blog with some post about how i want to change the world...

everyone is always talking about changing the world...and the chances of us doing that on some massive level are pretty slim...

what we can do is change the world of a person...and individual...a child...

we can brighten someone's day.

we can make a child smile.

we can pet a dog...

i pet my dog...

(this is my dog shadow next to a soap mold i am making...i will probably blog about this (the soap mold) soon and shadow-dog a LOT...i like my dog...

i make soap...

i write nonsense...

i care way too much about music and have opinions about it that i am always more than happy to share...

i have weird thoughts about talking on the telephone and why the red hat society may be (read: probably is) a cult...
people always want to change the world...

maybe i can just make them smell a little better or something....

make them think a little bit with a poem i write...or a short story...

so no...i am not going to start this blog with a post about changing the world. i am going to start it off with a little bit of nonsense...

cause if we're will throw us a little bit of nonsense from time to time to break up the mundane-ness of it all from time to time...